Connect Comfort and Uplift

10 Hobbies To Try During Coronavirus Lockdown

12 min read

Connect Comfort and Uplift

12 min read


Delight in 10 hobbies to try during lockdown – Blackpool Grand is committed to raising people’s wellbeing.

We want to Connect one another, comfort one another and uplift as many people as possible during this unprecedented time. People in Blackpool Lancashire are doing an incredible job to Stay Home, Protect the NHS and Save Lives to combat coronavirus, but we also understand the days are long and we need things to keep our minds busy.

Blackpool Grand has created At Home With You, a YouTube channel and editorial News articles that will help at time like this. Both channels we hope cover items that Connect, Comfort and Uplift. From yoga to photographic, story time to memories, and activities for all the family, there’s lots to watch and read.

With so much time on our hands why not turn to a new hobby or go back to one you used to have. This can help with your well-being, built up stress and anxiety, taking part in a physical activity can release endorphins which help create positive feelings.


Here are our 10 hobbies to try during lockdown

From photography, yoga, to painting, gardening or playing music.


Gardening – Grow your own food

Do you have access to a bit of green space, does your garden have a small section that’s perfect for a little vegetable growing or a greenhouse? You could transform it into your own bit of paradise.

Now remember, what are you looking for? Are you looking for immediate results or do you enjoy the long wait? Ordering small apple trees or grapes means you’re going to be waiting a while, whereas salad items (tomatoes, lettuce, spring onions etc.) or some veg are easier and you can repeat.

You could also grown Tomatoes as they are great, they’ll keep you interested as they need lots of water and so you’ll be watering them every day, giving you reason to get that fresh air. Tomatoes are perfect, faster growing, pruning, watering, watching them colour, you can also get some great type for making the perfect Italian sauce you can make and store.

What about potato bulbs? Start growing your own potatoes, great if you’ve got a spare plot in your back garden – great for summer salads, a Sunday roast or a baked potato.

Flowers are another option, seeding, cuttings, be the envy of your street with this summer’s hanging baskets.

Try our Best YouTube Gardening Advice For Beginners post



Start painting

One of the top relaxing hobbies must be painting. Find your water colour pencils, oils stand and brushes from the loft or order some online.

A great canvass is important too here you can find some supplies for delivery. Maybe start off small paining an individual flower or tree in your garden. Don’t forget you can always take a photo with our phone or tablet to capture the light (shadows)when you start

If you need some beginner’s advice here are a couple of YouTube channels we’d recommend.

In some of this fabulous weather picking a point of focus outside is great, a doorway, a flower, a border or pot. Inside think about fruit with all its shapes or a jug and bowel, a window seat or your faithful companion (we’d recommend a photo on this one!).



Learning a new language

Nowadays there’s so many ways to learn a new language, from books to apps, CDs, and of course YouTube video.

The question is will it be a language for your regular travels perhaps German, French or Spanish like at school or college for a recap. Or do you fancy a challenge with Russian, Japanese or Arabic. Mandarin Chinese is one of the most spoken language in the world, followed by Hindustani.

Try some language flashcards you can get online, a great idea with a partner getting you both involved and testing each other.

You could be proficient enough to have a conversation, ask for directions, or order food and drink. Attempting a harder language could lead you on to booking a holiday somewhere completely new to try out your new skill.




There are many different styles of knitting from machines, to hand needles.

You could be knitting jumpers and scarves ready for winter. Great Christmas presents!

Knitting is a relaxing and an excellent way to de-stress. There are great YouTube videos available online, from the basic – to the master.

Your materials can easily be ordered online and delivered.



Creative writing

It’s a well-known fact that some of the best writers in the world produced their most incredible factual and fiction material while in isolation – so, what’s stopping you doing it.

The best writing comes from when we have less on our mind, maybe take yourself off to another room of in the garden, write some bones of a story, the characters, outline of the story (thriller, love story, action), who’s the heroin?

Use this time now to get your mind working on a fantastic piece of great writing.

Online courses to help can be found, if you don’t think  you can manage a big story line, think of ‘Short Stories’ – 3 pages for an intro, 5 for the main plot and 2 for the big ending, then you know how detailed you need to be.

Or, what about a children’s story, can you think up a new character and its possible adventures? A 10-tentacle bright orange alien with a lion’s head and a magical horn, that flies around space in a Library van – the ideas can be bonkers, and free flowing!



Try Yoga

Why not try our Yoga YouTube videos on our new channel At Home With You.

With the gyms being closed and you’ve always thought ‘yoga, yeah I’d like to give that a go’ but never had time – then maybe now is that time.

Courses range from beginners to advanced sessions and include a session if you can only sit in a chair (easy paced).

You never know in no-time you may have mastered the lotus position. Use this time to find inner peace and a way to just relax in everyday life – our sessions are only 8-10 minutes so who hasn’t got this time in the week!



Play an instrument

Haven’t we all longed to play a musical instrument, maybe impress our friends. Or, maybe you already can but haven’t for a while because everything else in life just gets in the way?

It could be a simple as the recorder, move on to a ukulele or guitar, the drums, or even the corner of your room or conservatory you’ve always wanted a piano (keyboards are also a great alternative).

There are hundreds of tutorials on YouTube to watch on how to learn to play instruments. So, make that leap of faith – as Shakespeare once said, ‘If music be the food of love, play on’.



Become a Masterchef

Always rushing home to get the food in the microwave or it’s the same old dishes!

Well why not do some YouTube tutorials or do some research online on types of foods you like? Maybe you want to learn something new for when your friends come around homemade Chinese or Jamaican gumbo, bake your own bread rolls.

You’ve got loads of time to practice and maybe in the future you make Sundays ‘Baking Day’, pastry, cookies, cakes, and bread. Maybe Sunday Roast is changed for a ‘new dish’ from a different continent?

Have you been given a cookery book and forgotten all about it? Grab it out, and get the ingredients ordered online.

Try our Chefs Help Lockdown Taste Better post for ideas.



Build a Garden Space

With all this time on our hands why not start planning a new Garden Space – that can be from a yard to a garden. What would you need? Pots, a bench, maybe a hammock, could it be an outdoor cinema space for upcoming summer nights – a fire-pit – we all deserve a bit of space to relax in outdoors – maybe even a gazebo is needed for you.

A lot of ideas can be cheaper that you think and done right and taking your time could last you a good 10-15 years.

There are lots of inspirational YouTube Videos online that can start to get you thinking.



Discover your ancestry

Seen the TV adverts. Wondered where you really come from?

With modern technology and even databases, photos, plans and archives being available to research online now’s a great time to learn where you come from.

Sites such as are a real help to trace your family history. But maybe why not just interview and ask each family member what they remember, who they remember.

Gather as much as you can about each person they mention? Their occupation, where did they work, their friends, do they know where they are buried, what about their parents? You’ll be surprised how much you can gather… Plus why not share what you find each Christmas as a gift for family members.

You might even be related to a famous person, a royal, or a hero.

Some sites offer a free trial, so use that time wisely, get your information gathered and then dig deeper using the resources. Keep a written journal on each person so you can keep referring. Here’s some great tips!

Blackpool Grand Theatre


Take a look at what’s on at Blackpool Grand Theatre this Autumn / Winter 20/21


Blackpool Grand set out a COVID-Community Communication Programme (CCCP) during the Coronavirus pandemic. Our aims were simple, to CONNECT, COMFORT and UPLIFT. We would Connect people by offering tutorials on communication tools like Zoom and conduct community face-to-face meetings (book readings, youth groups and more). Comfort through stories of heritage, memories and storytelling, and to Uplift visitors spirits through laughter and exercise. Please do enjoy and if you can afford to donate please do.


The information in this story is accurate as of the publication date. While we are attempting to keep our content as up-to-date as possible, the situation surrounding the coronavirus pandemic continues to develop rapidly, so it’s possible that some information and recommendations may have changed since publishing. For any concerns and latest advice around COVID-19, visit the World Health Organisation. If you’re in the UK, the National Health Service can also provide useful information and support, while US users can contact the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.


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