Connect Comfort and Uplift

Best Educational YouTube Channels To Help Children Learn

10 min read

Connect Comfort and Uplift

10 min read


Educational YouTube Channels for home-schooling. The worldwide effect of the COVID-19 outbreak has had many effects, non-more so than the sharp intake of breath when millions of children were sent home from school. Parents, guardians and carers were now going to be home-schooling.

Fear not! We know parents can’t be expected to become experts overnight, knowing the best approach, or where to find great resources. But what they do want is the best for their children.


We thought we’d help a little…

We’ve put together these educational YouTube channels that may help children learn, be it literature, history, science, or art! And more so, give you a little breathing space.



Lotty Learns

Offering nursery rhymes and great games, the Lotty Learns YouTube channel teaches small and pre-school children the building blocks of reading (plus other great valuable concepts, including colour and shapes). The animated video that are offered focus on basics; read, like phonics, letter blending, and sight words.

A great starting tool, an easy to follow.



Smithsonian Channel

Name a place (other than the National History Museum which also offers some great tools) that would be your child’s first choice to learn about animals, history, and culture – the world renowned Smithsonian? They offer really engaging bite-sized, two-minute YouTube videos lessons on interesting phenomena in nature and everyday life.



The RSC Shakespeare Learning Zone

Parents if we tested you on Shakespeare’s place of birth, when he was born and died, would you pass? Well the great bard was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564 and died in 1616.

Although his plays were written 400-years ago, they are full of characters, dilemmas and stories we all still recognise.

The Shakespeare Learning Zone gives you loads of information about Shakespeare’s plays.

You’ll find key facts, key scenes, pictures from past productions, videos of actors and directors working on and performing the plays AND find out about all the main characters and how they relate to each other.

Whether you want to know a little or a lot, this site has the information you need. Just choose a play and enjoy!



Science Max

We think this channel has been totally underrated and most parents will agree we’re sure Science Max is an educational YouTube channel. It’s a completely fun, hands-on, and super-interactive, Teaching our children the ins-and-outs of ideas like tides, tension and gravity, flight, chemical reactions, electricity, and lots more. The channel has some great science experiments to try too – super fun!



Peekaboo Kidz

The true Q&A on all the common questions children have in an easy-to-follow, animated video series answers kids’ common questions about all sorts of topics. Got curious child with constant questions, then Peekaboo Kidz is perfect has covered it already.

They’ve even got a great animation on how vaccines work? And how-to videos on protecting yourself from the spread of COVID-19.

Get all your answers with What is pollution? What is dyslexia? and How does the internet work? A great find!



Homeschool Pop

Homeschool Pop videos are produced specifically for at-home teachers (that’s millions of us during coronavirus quarantine!?). Videos are five minutes to an hour.

Popular videos include analog clocks for kids, civil rights heroes, and an episode on famous landmarks. Topics range from exciting math skills, Albert Einstein and Christopher Columbus, to famous historical landmarks and iconic figures in history. Let your children loose – see what they come back with, or learn together?




Can hip-hop help us learn? We think so. Teachers at thousands of schools use Flocabulary to engage students and increase achievement. Flocabulary takes a lesson topic, from managing anxiety, verbs, setting a story, and crafts a hip-hop song/beat around it. Great as an alternative teaching lesson… Learning has to be fun too right?


The Art Assignment

The Art Assignment channel offers bite-size digestible videos into specific paintings by artists from Kahlo to Monet, as well as big-picture videos on more complex, eclectic issues in our popular culture/art world, like how is Instagram and what makes a masterpiece.

A great channel for preparation into high school.



Blackpool Grand

Take a look at what’s on at Blackpool Grand Theatre this Autumn / Winter 20/21


Blackpool Grand set out a COVID-Community Communication Programme (CCCP) during the Coronavirus pandemic. Our aims were simple, to CONNECT, COMFORT and UPLIFT. We would Connect people by offering tutorials on communication tools like Zoom and conduct community face-to-face meetings (book readings, youth groups and more). Comfort through stories of heritage, memories and storytelling, and to Uplift visitors spirits through laughter and exercise. Please do enjoy and if you can afford to donate please do.


The information in this story is accurate as of the publication date. While we are attempting to keep our content as up-to-date as possible, the situation surrounding the coronavirus pandemic continues to develop rapidly, so it’s possible that some information and recommendations may have changed since publishing. For any concerns and latest advice around COVID-19, visit the World Health Organisation. If you’re in the UK, the National Health Service can also provide useful information and support, while US users can contact the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

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