
Get ready to Laugh Out Loud…

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From our Laugh Out Loud comedy shows, our stand-up shows to our drama comedy shows… Coming up at Grand Theatre is LOTS of laughs! We’ve decided to help you out and show you what exactly is coming up that will make you L.O.L..

Jason Manford – Muddle Class – 27th and 28th Jan 2018

He’s back! It’s been a busy few years for Jason Manford since his last smash-hit stand up show but ‘Muddle Class’ promises to feature a wealth of new material about Jason growing up ‘working class’ then finding, over the years, that part of him has become ‘middle class’ – causing much confusion! Delivered with Jason’s amiable charm and captivating wit, this is a show not to be missed.

“He’s blessed with the sort of laid-back charm and sharp turn of phrase you can’t manufacture”




 Milton Jones – Milton Jones is Out There… – 9th Mar 2018

No, really out there. Famed for his work on Mock The Week (BBC2), Live at The Apollo (BBC1) and Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow (BBC1), in Milton Jones’ brand new show he’ll be putting his foot down and lifting the lid on the pedal bin of lies of the media. He will also be scaling the heights of fashion at the risk of falling into a terrible cravat. Milton will be talking about his life so far – the ups, the downs and why buying his own see-saw was the best decision he ever made. But perhaps he should give all this up and seek the highest office in the land – but how do you get a desk and a swivel chair up a mountain? Oh and now he wants to be Prime Minister too. Can we do worse than the politicians we already have? Yes we can!

‘Beautiful one liners so skillfully sculpted, you don’t know whether to laugh or put them on your mantlepiece’.




The Dolls Abroad – 23rd Sept 2017

Having scrubbed toilets and pubs across Scotland, The Dolls are in need of a holiday.  Luckily fate intervenes when Agnes wins top prize at Big Bella’s Bingo – a holiday in Greece, and she’s taking her lifelong pal Sadie along for the ride. Expect a whirlwind of Ouzo cocktails, new foods (Tzatziki’s a food? We thought it was an infection) an unlikely romance and the realisation that a friendship found gabbing over a bleached toilet bowl is a friendship for life!

Follow The Dolls on Twitter

Dolls page 130x100



 Laugh Out Loud Comedy Club – 6th Oct ’17, 3rd Nov ’17, 1st Dec ’17, 12th Jan ’18, 2nd Feb ’18

LOL Laugh Out Loud Comedy Club
LOL Laugh Out Loud Comedy Club – More info


Shirley Valentine – 11th – 16th Sept 2017

“Russell’s free-flowing humour what she says is utterly compelling – like over hearing a fascinating conversation on the top of a bus.”

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