Creative Learning


1.5 min read

Creative Learning

1.5 min read


The Creative Learning Team joined local families with the Better Start team at Central Library for their Fred Celebrations – ‘Fathers Reading Every Day’.

The Creative Learning team were proud to have celebrated with our local Fathers at the launch of Central Library’s newly designed children’s area.

Central Library have embarked on the Fred project lead by Betterstart. The project aims to to encourage dads to read to their children every day. The Fred Celebrations has been developed in conjunction with the Fatherhood Institute after research showed just how beneficial it is for children’s development. Evidence proves that children whose dads have read with them do better in school, have higher self-esteem, develop better relationships with other children and are better behaved. It is even suggested that dads reading to their children has more of an impact on their development than mums doing it. The four week FRED programme will encourage and support Dads, Granddads, Big Brothers, and other male role models to regularly read to their children, and record their activities in a log book. Dads who complete the course will receive new books, a library membership and will be invited to attend a celebration party at their local Children’s Centre.

At the celebration event the Creative Learning Manager and Co-ordinator met our Blackpool Dads, Granddads, Big Brothers, and other male role models who regularly read to their children and within the session was a musical section where the local families were taught our ‘A Tiger That Came To Tea’ song inspired by the shows songs.


Don’t worry if you missed this event. There will be plenty of opportunity to join us on our Jungle Book journey as we’ll be transforming spaces across Blackpool next year. Creative Learning run many events throughout the year for ages 3 to 103! Just keep visiting our blog to hear about the next event or sign up to the Grand Theatre’s Twitter or Facebook page.


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