Creative Learning


1.5 min read

Creative Learning

1.5 min read


The Grand and creative practitioners are delivering part of Headstarts Creative Experiences programme in three local secondary schools.

We are incredibly excited to be working with Headstart to help deliver their pilot creative experiences programme. The Grand has been commissioned by Headstart to deliver the performing arts of this programme, to support the aspirations, resilience and mental well-being of young people in Blackpool.

Montgomery, South Shore Academy and Aspire schools will be taking part in this pilot, performing arts programme, working with artists from Blackpool Grand Theatre and local practitioners. Young people will be using performing arts workshops to explore the story of The Jungle Book. From discovering how characters, like Mowgli, cope during tough times. The young people will be encouraged to think about how they can make resilient moves in their own taxing moments through drama, dance and story. We recognise that all young people will face difficult times in their lives and hopefully, by having the opportunity to practically explore decision making, they will be better prepared for dealing with those situations.

When the teachers and artists got together at the launch for this project they all left highly motivated about the possibilities for this project and keen to get started. A Resilience coach that attend the session evaluated that; “This is co-production at its finest” and “love, love, loved the activities!” Workshops will happen weekly in each school with a lead artist working alongside the teachers. There will also be guest artists popping into sessions to offer their expertise across a range of performing arts genres.

Towards the end of the project all pupils involved will be attending an exciting new adaptation of The Jungle Book brought to you by the team behind Running Wild. A huge focus of this project is that the young people experience a “feel good factor”. What could be better than a visit to our beautiful Matcham Theatre?

If you are interested in finding out more about the work our Creative Learning Team do check out our news page by clicking here

The Jungle Book is performing at The Grand from the 8-12 May. You can get your tickets by clicking here or, call our Box Office on 01253 290190.

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