
125 Grand People Power March

8 min read


8 min read


To celebrate its 125 year anniversary, the Blackpool Grand Theatre is organising a march through the streets of the town and are looking for local people to get involved in the ‘125 Grand People Power March’.

It was “people power” and the support of the local community that saved the Grand, and to celebrate this, the theatre wants to co-ordinate a march of ‘125 people’ through the streets of Blackpool to coincide with National Heritage Open Day, on the 15 September.



Andrew Howard, marketing manager at the Blackpool Grand said:

This year’s National Heritage open Day is themed on people power and that fits perfectly with the Grand and our own celebration of both our 125 birthday and how the theatre was saved by the local community.

As part of National Heritage Open Day, the theatre will also be showcasing some of the incredible work of the Friends of The Grand and the thousands of volunteers and supporters who helped support the building over its 125 years.

Andrew added: “As with our ‘Extraordinary Women’ themed event last year, this is an opportunity to tell the stories of people who have changed and shaped the Grand Theatre.  We want to hear about the creation of The Friends, special friendships forged connected to The Grand, and ultimately how the Frank Matcham building was saved.

“We want to talk about and to the people who have been instrumental in the past but moving the theatre forward and helping support it day after day so that we can say the first 125 years were just the beginning.”

The 125 Grand People Power March took place at 11.30am on the 15 September.  After which the theatre will open its doors at 12-noon for National Heritage Open Day.



If you have a great story to share about the Grand or took part in the People Power march and have pictures or video to share please contact us 01253 290 190

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