
New Year, New Look At The Grand…

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New website reveals clean, fresh new look for The Grand.

Take a Look at our New Brochure!

The Grand unveiled a brand new season this week. To run alongside the new season, The Grand announced their new website that’s been described as ‘Fresh, contemporary and awesome to use.’ (Nicola Atanassova – Marketing Manager of Visit Blackpool)

Now easier to navigate, The Grand’s sleek new website, incorporates an updated calendar that allows you to search the site by day, week or month to find upcoming shows. The ‘what’s on’ section enables you to browse, finding productions with ease. Searching your favourite genre have never been easier, be a lover of drama, dance and entertainment, they’ve made it easier than ever before.

Adam Davis, Technical Director, SOAP Media said,

For SOAP Media it was essential for the website not only reflected the elegance of the theatre and its iconic heritage but also provided an intuitive and user-friendly way for its visitors to find, and engage with, the site in a visually rich way.

The SOAP Media team look forward to working with The Grand over the coming years with its digital presence locally and nationally, and developing an experience to match the incredible productions they take to the stage., which launched on 12 January, has a wealth of new features aimed at making an enjoyable customer journey and giving users a taster of what they can experience at this amazing theatre.

Creating simple but interactive features was key, making customers planning easier with the addition of the ability to link shows to your Google™, Live™, YAHOO™ or iphone™ calendar directly from each show page. Show pages feature a ‘remind me’ button allowing you to set a reminder email one day, one week or one month before the show is appearing.

The re-imagined show pages now include a gallery of bespoke images and videos to give a more interactive preview of the forthcoming show. From headshots and production images to trailers and rehearsal videos, there is now more to explore than ever before. Links to the Twitter and Facebook accounts of visiting companies allow visitors to discover even more.

The ‘news’ section gives you the inside track on show news. All of the latest news, reviews, interviews with producers and cast members and blog posts in a clean and easy to read format. You can even share with your friends.

To ensure each visitor has a more personal experience, a ‘recommended for you’ section has been added to the homepage. Tailored suggestions for upcoming shows will be presented to each visitor based on other shows they have booked or searched for.

Andrew Howard, Marketing Manager at The Grand Theatre said,

‘It had been a delight to work with SOAP Media. The new site is everything we wanted it to be and we know our customers will enjoy the customer journey we have created in making both their online experience and ticket booking the best it could possibly be.’

For more information about The Grand’s New Season or to book for any show 

Call Box Office on 01253 74 33 39 or visit

Twitter- @Grand_Theatre

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