Creative Learning

Reel to Reel with Breakin’ Convention

3 min read

Creative Learning

3 min read


Real to Reel offers a period of mentorship, for up to 9 filmmakers – with a passion for hip-hop culture – to create up to 7 minutes of innovative and creative hip-hop content to be hosted on the Breakin’ Convention BCTV channel.

This year, between 17 May and 14 June, Breakin’ Convention, the international festival of hip-hop dance theatre, will tour to nine venues across the UK: Poole, Canterbury, Plymouth, Norwich, Nottingham, Brighton, South Shields, Blackpool and Birmingham.

We are looking for film-makers who live in Blackpool.



Breakin’ Convention recognises there is a wealth of film-making talent across the UK, and we want to present this to our audience.

We want to hear from innovative film-makers who have an understanding of hip-hop culture, to tell unique stories and promote the positive aspects of hip-hop to the rest of the world.

We want film-makers who can contribute to the vision of Breakin’ Convention.


Reel to Reel – We don’t set any age or professional level-based criteria for doing the project, but you will be required to have access to:  

– your own professional or prosumer camera, such as a DSLR, mirrorless or camcorder style
– editing software, Premiere, Final Cut, Resolve or Avid
– your own equipment – lenses, microphones, monopods/tripods
– a passion for making digital content and films
– previously made film or digital content that they are proud of
– an idea about a hip-hop film with artists from the community local to our tour venues


More information and to APPLY

Breakin’ Convention ‘Reel to Reel’ can be found

Previous work example:


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